
I’m Mallory Barnes, a fiction writer living in West Texas. My hope here is to encourage reading and discussion. In the digital age, we often live together so separately. Community and intellectual discussion are harder and harder to come by. I hope that Book Club Bites can help alleviate that by encouraging the birth and growth of book clubs.

This Tender Land Book Club Questions and Recipe

This Tender Land Book Club Questions and Recipe

If you’ve been stuck in a reading rut lately, especially due to the pandemic (or just life in general), then This Tender Land could be the next read for you. It’s a character-driven adventure story with all the feels, but it won’t leave you emotionally fatigued. The novel centers around two young brothers and their two friends, a mute American Indian and a sweet-hearted girl with a mysterious gift.

10 Black Lives Matter Novels Your Book Club Should Read

10 Black Lives Matter Novels Your Book Club Should Read

Many book clubs are choosing books by black authors about the experience of being black in America (yes, even today) and about the call to eradicate racism. Today I’m going to share with you not non-fiction books about the topic, but novels. There are lots of lists out on the internet right now about Black Lives Matter non-fiction. This is a list of fiction.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz Book Club Questions and Recipe

The Tattooist of Auschwitz Book Club Questions and Recipe

The Tattooist of Auschwitz is one of the most popular books of recent years. It tells the true story of Lale Sokolov, who became the tattooist of Auschwitz during his many years at the concentration camp, tattooing numbers on incoming prisoners. One day, Lale tattoos the arm of a beautiful girl and, despite the circumstances, it is love at first sight. The book chronicles the love affair of Lale and Gita, their time at Auschwitz, and their struggle for survival.